Some businesses have a ‘type’ when it comes to recruitment. We find that the best team members bring differences with them. Things they can teach us while they learn from others. While we embrace and celebrate our differences, the things we share form the foundation of a great team. Whether you’ve got your eye on a role in our managed services, professional services or corporate team, you’ll put yourself right in the frame if you can show us the three Cs: Confidence, Capability and Curiosity.
Confidence, in a team environment, is everything. At Logicalis, confidence equals self-awareness and self-assuredness with a good dose of common sense. To a new graduate in their first job, it’s knowing you’re supported and looked after. It’s knowing what you know and what you don’t know, and not being afraid to act accordingly in either instance. It’s understanding that confidence and arrogance are vastly different. It’s knowing when to speak up and knowing your teammates have your back just as you have theirs. Above all, it’s the ability for you to be you so you can do your thing.
If you can bring confidence to the table, you’ve taken the first step to becoming an Architect of Change.
Obviously, you’ll need to demonstrate the ability to perform the job you’re applying for, but we look for other things too. Things like an ability to think on your feet and adaptability to change. Your capabilities will be different from most others you work with, but that’s the joy of it. When all our capabilities come together, we create meaningful, needle-shifting change.
Your area of expertise might also include transferrable capabilities. In an industry where things change rapidly and often, having core capabilities like the ability to learn and flexibility are genuine advantages.
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it usually leads to new and exciting places in the world of IT. Curiosity drives our business – connecting dots, finding solutions and creating opportunities. Being curious keeps your skills current and your industry awareness on the cutting edge. It helps you see all sides of the story and all doors into a challenge. In short, it keeps us moving forward individually and as a business.
You don’t have to be the most curious person to have ever lived, or the most confident – some of our best and brightest are shy introverts who’d rather build automation scripts for CI/CD than speak out at a meeting – but they display confidence in other ways.

Your area of expertise might also include transferrable capabilities.
In an industry where things change rapidly and often, having core capabilities like the ability to learn and flexibility are genuine advantages.
If you’ve got the three Cs covered , find out what we can bring to the table by visiting our benefits page.
Navigate an ever-evolving market and turn uncertainty into success.
Get in contact with us today.